Source code for hypernets.core.ops

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from .search_space import ModuleSpace, Bool, Choice, MultipleChoice
import itertools

[docs]class HyperInput(ModuleSpace): def __init__(self, space=None, name=None, **hyperparams): ModuleSpace.__init__(self, space, name, **hyperparams) def _compile(self): pass def _forward(self, inputs): return inputs
[docs]class Identity(ModuleSpace): def __init__(self, space=None, name=None, **hyperparams): ModuleSpace.__init__(self, space, name, **hyperparams) def _compile(self): pass def _forward(self, inputs): return inputs
[docs]class ConnectionSpace(ModuleSpace): def __init__(self, dynamic_fn, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None, **hyperparams): self.dynamic_fn = dynamic_fn self.keep_link = keep_link ModuleSpace.__init__(self, space, name, **hyperparams) def _on_params_ready(self): with try: input, output = self.dynamic_fn(self) if not all([input, output]) or ( isinstance(input, list) and isinstance(output, list) and (len(input) <= 0 or len(output) <= 0)): # node removed if self.keep_link: # Only one input and one output are allowed inputs = outputs = if len(inputs) > 1 or len(outputs) > 1: raise ValueError("Only one input and one output are allowed.") outputs[0](inputs[0]) else: elif all([input, output]):, input), output) else: raise ValueError('input or output is None.') finally:
[docs] def connect_module_or_subgraph(self, from_module, to_module, support_subgraph=True): if not support_subgraph: assert isinstance(from_module, ModuleSpace) assert isinstance(to_module, ModuleSpace) assert, f'`from_module` is not an isolated module. ' assert, f'`to_module` is not an isolated module. ' return to_module(from_module) else: assert isinstance(from_module, (ModuleSpace, list)) assert isinstance(to_module, (ModuleSpace, list)) if isinstance(from_module, ModuleSpace): real_from = [from_module] else: assert len(from_module) > 0, f'`from_module` contains at least 1 element.' # If from_module is a list, take any module to get the outputs of the subgraph real_from = from_module[:1] if not[0]): real_from = list([0])) if isinstance(to_module, ModuleSpace): real_to = [to_module] else: assert len(to_module) > 0, f'`from_module` contains at least 1 element.' # If to_module is a list, take any module to get the inputs of the subgraph real_to = to_module[:1] if not[0]): real_to = list([0])) for m_to in real_to: for m_from in real_from: m_to(m_from) return to_module
[docs]class Optional(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, module, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None, hp_opt=None): assert isinstance(module, ModuleSpace), f'{module} is not a valid Module. ' self._module = module self.hp_opt = hp_opt if hp_opt is not None else Bool() ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, self.optional_fn, keep_link, space, name, hp_opt=self.hp_opt)
[docs] def optional_fn(self, m): if self.hp_opt.value: input = output = return input, output else: return None, None
[docs]class ModuleChoice(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, module_list, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None, hp_or=None): assert isinstance(module_list, list), f'module_list must be a List.' assert len(module_list) > 0, f'module_list contains at least 1 Module.' assert all([isinstance(m, ModuleSpace) for m in module_list]), 'module_list can only contain Module.' self.hp_or = hp_or if hp_or is not None else Choice(list(range(len(module_list)))) self._module_list = module_list ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, self.or_fn, keep_link, space, name, hp_or=self.hp_or)
[docs] def or_fn(self, m): module = self._module_list[self.hp_or.value] input = output = return input, output
[docs]class Sequential(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, module_list, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None): assert isinstance(module_list, list), f'module_list must be a List.' assert len(module_list) > 0, f'module_list contains at least 1 Module.' assert all([isinstance(m, (ModuleSpace, list)) for m in module_list]), 'module_list can only contains ModuleSpace or list.' self._module_list = module_list self.hp_lazy = Choice([0]) ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, self.sequential_fn, keep_link, space, name, hp_lazy=self.hp_lazy)
[docs] def sequential_fn(self, m): last = self._module_list[0] for i in range(1, len(self._module_list)): self.connect_module_or_subgraph(last, self._module_list[i]) # self._module_list[i](last) last = self._module_list[i] input = output = return input, output
[docs]class Permutation(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, module_list, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None, hp_seq=None): assert isinstance(module_list, list), f'module_list must be a List.' assert len(module_list) > 1, f'module_list contains at least 2 Module.' assert all([isinstance(m, ModuleSpace) for m in module_list]), 'module_list can only contain Module.' self._module_list = module_list if hp_seq is None: p = itertools.permutations(range(len(module_list))) all_seq = [] for seq in p: all_seq.append(seq) self.hp_all_seq = Choice(all_seq) else: self.hp_all_seq = hp_seq ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, self.permutation_fn, keep_link, space, name, hp_all_seq=self.hp_all_seq)
[docs] def permutation_fn(self, m): seq = self.hp_all_seq.value # input = None last = None for i in seq: # if input is None: # input = self._module_list[i] if last is not None: self.connect_module_or_subgraph(last, self._module_list[i]) # self._module_list[i](last) last = self._module_list[i] input = output = return input, output
[docs]class Repeat(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, module_fn, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None, repeat_times=[1]): assert callable(module_fn), f'{module_fn} is not a callable object. ' assert isinstance(repeat_times, list), f'`repeat_num_choices` must be a list.' assert all([isinstance(c, int) for c in repeat_times]), f'All of the element in `repeat_num_choices` must be integer.' assert all( [c > 0 for c in repeat_times]), f'All of the element in `repeat_num_choices` must be greater than 0.' self.module_fn = module_fn self.hp_repeat_times = Choice(repeat_times) ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, self.repeat_fn, keep_link, space, name, hp_repeat_times=self.hp_repeat_times)
[docs] def repeat_fn(self, m): repeat_times = self.hp_repeat_times.value module_list = [self.module_fn(step) for step in range(repeat_times)] last = module_list[0] for i in range(1, len(module_list)): self.connect_module_or_subgraph(last, module_list[i]) # module_list[i](last) last = module_list[i] input = output = return input, output
[docs]class InputChoice(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, inputs, num_chosen_most=0, num_chosen_least=1, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None, hp_choice=None): assert isinstance(inputs, list) connection_num = len(inputs) assert connection_num >= num_chosen_least, f'`inputs` contains at least {num_chosen_least} item.' self.inputs = inputs self.hp_choice = hp_choice if hp_choice is not None else MultipleChoice(list(range(connection_num)), num_chosen_most, num_chosen_least) ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, None, keep_link, space, name, hp_choice=self.hp_choice) def _on_params_ready(self): with for input in self.inputs:, self) for i, input in enumerate(self.inputs): if i in self.hp_choice.value:, self) outputs = for output in outputs:, output)
[docs]class ConnectLooseEnd(ConnectionSpace): def __init__(self, inputs, keep_link=False, space=None, name=None): assert isinstance(inputs, list) self.inputs = inputs self.hp_lazy = Choice([0]) ConnectionSpace.__init__(self, None, keep_link, space, name, hp_lazy=self.hp_lazy) def _on_params_ready(self): with for input in self.inputs: outputs = # It's not a loose end if the input has other downstream node excepts this node if len(set(outputs) - {self}) > 0:, self) outputs = for output in outputs:, output)
[docs]class Reduction(ModuleSpace): def __init__(self, reduction_op, space=None, name=None, **hyperparams): ModuleSpace.__init__(self, space, name, **hyperparams) self.reduction_op = reduction_op def _compile(self): pv = self.param_values if pv.get('name') is None: pv['name'] = self.compile_fn = self.reduction_op(**pv) def _forward(self, inputs): return self.compile_fn(inputs) def _on_params_ready(self): self._compile()