Source code for hypernets.examples.plain_model

import copy
import pickle
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor

from hypernets.core import set_random_state, randint
from hypernets.core.ops import ModuleChoice, HyperInput, ModuleSpace
from hypernets.core.search_space import HyperSpace, Choice, Int, Real, Cascade, Constant, HyperNode
from hypernets.model import Estimator, HyperModel
from hypernets.tabular import get_tool_box, column_selector
from hypernets.utils import fs, const

from hypernets.core import randint
from hypernets.core.ops import ModuleChoice, HyperInput
from hypernets.core.search_space import HyperSpace, Choice, Int, Real
from hypernets.pipeline.base import DataFrameMapper
from hypernets.pipeline.transformers import FeatureImportanceSelection

from hypernets.utils import logging

logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PlainSearchSpace(object): def __init__(self, enable_dt=True, enable_lr=True, enable_nn=True, enable_dtr=False): assert enable_dt or enable_lr or enable_nn or enable_dtr super(PlainSearchSpace, self).__init__() self.enable_dt = enable_dt self.enable_dtr = enable_dtr self.enable_lr = enable_lr self.enable_nn = enable_nn # DecisionTreeClassifier @property def dt(self): return dict( cls=DecisionTreeClassifier, criterion=Choice(["gini", "entropy"]), splitter=Choice(["best", "random"]), max_depth=Choice([None, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50]), random_state=randint(), ) @property def dtr(self): return dict( cls=DecisionTreeRegressor, splitter=Choice(["best", "random"]), max_depth=Choice([None, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50]), random_state=randint(), ) # NN @property def nn(self): solver = Choice(['lbfgs', 'sgd', 'adam']) return dict( cls=MLPClassifier, max_iter=Int(500, 5000, step=500), activation=Choice(['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu']), solver=solver, learning_rate=Choice(['constant', 'invscaling', 'adaptive']), learning_rate_init_stub=Cascade(partial(self._cascade, self._nn_learning_rate_init, 'slvr'), slvr=solver), random_state=randint(), ) @staticmethod def _nn_learning_rate_init(slvr): if slvr in ['sgd' or 'adam']: return 'learning_rate_init', Choice([0.001, 0.01]) else: return 'learning_rate_init', Constant(0.001) # LogisticRegression @property def lr(self): iters = [1000] while iters[-1] < 9000: iters.append(int(round(iters[-1] * 1.25, -2))) solver = Choice(['newton-cg', 'lbfgs', 'liblinear', 'sag', 'saga']) penalty = Cascade(partial(self._cascade, self._lr_penalty_fn, 'slvr'), slvr=solver) l1_ratio = Cascade(partial(self._cascade, self._lr_l1_ratio, 'penalty'), penalty=penalty) return dict( cls=LogisticRegression, max_iter=Choice(iters), solver=solver, penalty_stub=penalty, l1_ratio_stub=l1_ratio, random_state=randint(), ) @staticmethod def _lr_penalty_fn(slvr): if slvr == 'saga': return 'penalty', Choice(['l2', 'elasticnet', 'l1', 'none']) else: return 'penalty', Constant('l2') @staticmethod def _lr_l1_ratio(penalty): if penalty in ['elasticnet', ]: return 'l1_ratio', Real(0.0, 1.0, step=0.1) else: return 'l1_ratio', Constant(None) # commons @staticmethod def _cascade(fn, key, args, space): with space.as_default(): kvalue = args[key] if isinstance(kvalue, HyperNode): kvalue = kvalue.value return fn(kvalue)
[docs] def create_feature_selection(self, hyper_input, importances, seq_no=0): from hypernets.pipeline.base import Pipeline selection = FeatureImportanceSelection(name=f'feature_importance_selection_{seq_no}', importances=importances, quantile=Real(0, 1, step=0.1)) pipeline = Pipeline([selection], name=f'feature_selection_{seq_no}', columns=column_selector.column_all)(hyper_input) preprocessor = DataFrameMapper(default=False, input_df=True, df_out=True, df_out_dtype_transforms=None)([pipeline]) return preprocessor
# HyperSpace def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): space = HyperSpace() with space.as_default(): hyper_input = HyperInput(name='input1') estimators = [] if self.enable_dt: estimators.append(self.dt) if self.enable_dtr: estimators.append(self.dtr) if self.enable_lr: estimators.append( if self.enable_nn: estimators.append(self.nn) modules = [ModuleSpace(name=f'{e["cls"].__name__}', **e) for e in estimators] if "importances" in kwargs and kwargs["importances"] is not None: importances = kwargs.pop("importances") ss = self.create_feature_selection(hyper_input, importances) outputs = ModuleChoice(modules)(ss) else: outputs = ModuleChoice(modules)(hyper_input) space.set_inputs(hyper_input) return space
[docs]class PlainEstimator(Estimator): def __init__(self, space_sample, task=const.TASK_BINARY, transformer=None): assert task in {const.TASK_BINARY, const.TASK_MULTICLASS, const.TASK_REGRESSION} super(PlainEstimator, self).__init__(space_sample, task) # space, _ = space_sample.compile_and_forward() out = space_sample.get_outputs()[0] kwargs = out.param_values kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not isinstance(v, HyperNode)} cls = kwargs.pop('cls')'create estimator {cls.__name__}: {kwargs}') self.model = cls(**kwargs) self.cls = cls self.model_args = kwargs self.transformer = transformer # fitted self.classes_ = None # self.cv_models_ = []
[docs] def summary(self): pass
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, **kwargs): eval_set = kwargs.pop('eval_set', None) # ignore if self.transformer is not None:'fit_transform data') X = self.transformer.fit_transform(X, y)'bring X,y to local') X, y = get_tool_box(X, y).to_local(X, y)'fit model'), y, **kwargs) self.classes_ = getattr(self.model, 'classes_', None) self.cv_ = False self.cv_models_ = None return self
[docs] def fit_cross_validation(self, X, y, stratified=True, num_folds=3, shuffle=False, random_state=9527, metrics=None, **kwargs): assert num_folds > 0 assert isinstance(metrics, (list, tuple)) eval_set = kwargs.pop('eval_set', None) # ignore if self.transformer is not None:'fit_transform data') X = self.transformer.fit_transform(X, y)'bring X,y to local') tb_original = get_tool_box(X, y) X, y = tb_original.to_local(X, y) tb = get_tool_box(X, y) if stratified and self.task == const.TASK_BINARY: iterators = tb.statified_kfold(n_splits=num_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state) else: iterators = tb.kfold(n_splits=num_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state) if isinstance(y, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): y = y.values oof_ = None oof_scores = [] cv_models = [] x_vals = [] y_vals = [] X_trains = [] y_trains = []'start training') for n_fold, (train_idx, valid_idx) in enumerate(iterators.split(X, y)): x_train_fold, y_train_fold = X.iloc[train_idx], y[train_idx] x_val_fold, y_val_fold = X.iloc[valid_idx], y[valid_idx]'fit fold {n_fold}') fold_model = copy.deepcopy(self.model), y_train_fold, **kwargs) # calc fold oof and score'calc fold {n_fold} score') if self.task == const.TASK_REGRESSION: proba = fold_model.predict(x_val_fold) preds = proba else: proba = fold_model.predict_proba(x_val_fold) if self.task == const.TASK_BINARY: proba = tb.fix_binary_predict_proba_result(proba) proba_threshold = 0.5 if proba.shape[-1] > 2: # multiclass preds = proba.argmax(axis=-1) else: # binary: preds = (proba[:, 1] > proba_threshold).astype('int32') preds = np.array(fold_model.classes_).take(preds, axis=0) if oof_ is None: if len(proba.shape) == 1: oof_ = np.full(y.shape, np.nan, proba.dtype) else: oof_ = np.full((y.shape[0], proba.shape[-1]), np.nan, proba.dtype) fold_scores = tb.metrics.calc_score(y_val_fold, preds, proba, metrics, task=self.task) # save fold result oof_[valid_idx] = proba oof_scores.append(fold_scores) cv_models.append(fold_model) x_vals.append(x_val_fold) y_vals.append(y_val_fold) X_trains.append(x_train_fold) y_trains.append(y_train_fold) self.classes_ = getattr(cv_models[0], 'classes_', None) self.cv_ = True self.cv_models_ = cv_models # calc final score with mean scores = pd.concat([pd.Series(s) for s in oof_scores], axis=1).mean(axis=1).to_dict()'fit_cross_validation score:{scores}, folds score:{oof_scores}') # return oof_, = tb_original.from_local(oof_) return scores, oof_, oof_scores, X_trains, y_trains, x_vals, y_vals
[docs] def predict(self, X, **kwargs): eval_set = kwargs.pop('eval_set', None) # ignore if self.transformer is not None:'transform local') X = self.transformer.transform(X)'bring X,y to local') tb_original = get_tool_box(X) X, = tb_original.to_local(X) if self.cv_: if self.task == const.TASK_REGRESSION: pred_sum = None for n, est in enumerate(self.cv_models_):'predict estimator {n}') pred = est.predict(X, **kwargs) if pred_sum is None: pred_sum = pred else: pred_sum += pred preds = pred_sum / len(self.cv_models_) else:'predict_proba') proba = self.predict_proba(X, ingore_transformer=True, **kwargs)'proba2predict') preds = self.proba2predict(proba) preds = np.array(self.classes_).take(preds, axis=0) else:'predict') preds = self.model.predict(X, **kwargs) preds, = tb_original.from_local(preds) return preds
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X, *, ingore_transformer=False, **kwargs): eval_set = kwargs.pop('eval_set', None) # ignore if not ingore_transformer and self.transformer is not None:'transform data') X = self.transformer.transform(X) tb_original = get_tool_box(X) X, = tb_original.to_local(X) tb = get_tool_box(X) if self.cv_models_: proba_sum = None for n, est in enumerate(self.cv_models_):'predict_proba estimator {n}') proba = est.predict_proba(X, **kwargs) if self.task == const.TASK_BINARY: proba = tb.fix_binary_predict_proba_result(proba) if proba_sum is None: proba_sum = proba else: proba_sum += proba proba = proba_sum / len(self.cv_models_) else:'predict_proba') proba = self.model.predict_proba(X, **kwargs) if self.task == const.TASK_BINARY: proba = tb.fix_binary_predict_proba_result(proba) proba, = tb_original.from_local(proba) return proba
[docs] def evaluate(self, X, y, metrics=None, **kwargs): if metrics is None: metrics = ['rmse'] if self.task == const.TASK_REGRESSION else ['accuracy'] if self.task == const.TASK_REGRESSION: proba = None preds = self.predict(X, **kwargs) else: proba = self.predict_proba(X, **kwargs) preds = self.proba2predict(proba, proba_threshold=kwargs.get('proba_threshold', 0.5)) scores = get_tool_box(y).metrics.calc_score(y, preds, proba, metrics, self.task) return scores
[docs] def proba2predict(self, proba, proba_threshold=0.5): if self.task == const.TASK_REGRESSION: return proba'proba2predict') if proba.shape[-1] > 2: predict = proba.argmax(axis=-1) elif proba.shape[-1] == 2: predict = (proba[:, 1] > proba_threshold).astype('int32') else: predict = (proba > proba_threshold).astype('int32') if self.classes_ is not None: predict = get_tool_box(predict).take_array(self.classes_, predict, axis=0) return predict
[docs] def save(self, model_file): with, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=4)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(model_file): with, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
[docs] def get_iteration_scores(self): return []
def __repr__(self): if self.cv_models_: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.cv_models_}' else: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.model}'
[docs]class PlainModel(HyperModel): def __init__(self, searcher, dispatcher=None, callbacks=None, reward_metric=None, task=None, discriminator=None, transformer=None): super(PlainModel, self).__init__(searcher, dispatcher=dispatcher, callbacks=callbacks, reward_metric=reward_metric, task=task) self.transformer = transformer def _get_estimator(self, space_sample): if callable(self.transformer): transformer = self.transformer() else: transformer = self.transformer return PlainEstimator(space_sample, task=self.task, transformer=transformer)
[docs] def load_estimator(self, model_file): return PlainEstimator.load(model_file)
[docs]def train(X_train, y_train, X_eval, y_eval, task=None, reward_metric=None, optimize_direction='max', **kwargs): from hypernets.core.callbacks import SummaryCallback from hypernets.searchers import make_searcher if task is None: task, _ = get_tool_box(y_train).infer_task_type(y_train) if reward_metric is None: reward_metric = 'rmse' if task == const.TASK_REGRESSION else 'accuracy' search_space = PlainSearchSpace() searcher = make_searcher('mcts', search_space, optimize_direction=optimize_direction) callbacks = [SummaryCallback()] hm = PlainModel(searcher=searcher, task=task, reward_metric=reward_metric, callbacks=callbacks), y_train, X_eval, y_eval, **kwargs) best = hm.get_best_trial() model = hm.final_train(best.space_sample, X_train, y_train) return hm, model
[docs]def train_heart_disease(**kwargs): from hypernets.tabular.datasets import dsutils from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X = dsutils.load_heart_disease_uci() y = X.pop('target') X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \ train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=randint()) X_train, X_eval, y_train, y_eval = \ train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.3, random_state=randint()) kwargs = {'reward_metric': 'auc', 'max_trials': 10, **kwargs} hm, model = train(X_train, y_train, X_eval, y_eval, const.TASK_BINARY, **kwargs) print('-' * 50) scores = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, metrics=['auc', 'accuracy', 'f1', 'recall', 'precision']) print('scores:', scores) trials = hm.get_top_trials(10) models = [hm.load_estimator(t.model_file) for t in trials] msgs = [f'{t.trial_no},{t.reward},{m.cls.__name__} {m.model_args}' for t, m in zip(trials, models)] print('top trials:') print('\n'.join(msgs))
if __name__ == '__main__': set_random_state(335) train_heart_disease()