Source code for hypernets.hyperctl.utils

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import yaml
import json
import requests

[docs]def load_yaml(file_path): if not Path(file_path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(file_path) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = return yaml.load(content, Loader=yaml.CLoader)
[docs]def load_json(file_path): if not Path(file_path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(file_path) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = return json.loads(content)
[docs]def copy_item(src, dest, key): v = src.get(key) if v is not None: dest[key] = v
[docs]def http_portal(host, port): return f"http://{host}:{port}"
[docs]def get_request(url): def f(url_, request_data_: str): return requests.get(url_) return _request(url, f, None)
[docs]def post_request(url, request_data: Optional[str]): def f(url_, request_data_: str): return, data=request_data_) return _request(url, f, request_data)
def _request(url, req_func, request_data=None): from hypernets.utils import logging as hyn_logging logger = hyn_logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug(f"request data :\n{request_data}\nto {url}") resp = req_func(url, request_data) txt_resp = resp.text logger.debug(f"response text: \n{txt_resp}") json_resp = json.loads(txt_resp) code = json_resp['code'] if code == 0: return json_resp['data'] else: raise RuntimeError(txt_resp)