Source code for hypernets.searchers.evolution_searcher

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from ..core import get_random_state
from ..core.searcher import Searcher, OptimizeDirection
from ..utils import logging

logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Individual(object): def __init__(self, space_sample, reward): self.space_sample = space_sample self.reward = reward
[docs] def mutate(self): pass
[docs]class Population(object): def __init__(self, size=50, optimize_direction=OptimizeDirection.Minimize, random_state=None): assert isinstance(size, int) assert size > 0 self.size = size self.populations = [] self.optimize_direction = optimize_direction self.random_state = random_state if random_state is not None else get_random_state() @property def initializing(self): return not len(self.populations) >= self.size @property def length(self): return len(self.populations)
[docs] def append(self, space_sample, reward): individual = Individual(space_sample, reward) self.populations.append(individual)
[docs] def sample_best(self, sample_size): if sample_size > self.length: sample_size = self.length indices = sorted(self.random_state.choice(range(self.length), sample_size)) samples = [self.populations[i] for i in indices] best = \ sorted(samples, key=lambda i: i.reward, reverse=self.optimize_direction in ['max', OptimizeDirection.Maximize])[0] return best
[docs] def eliminate(self, num=1, regularized=False): eliminates = [] for i in range(num): if self.length <= 0: break if regularized: # eliminate oldest eliminates.append(self.populations.pop(0)) else: # eliminate worst worst = sorted(self.populations, key=lambda i: i.reward, reverse=self.optimize_direction in ['min', OptimizeDirection.Minimize])[0] self.populations.remove(worst) eliminates.append(worst) return eliminates
[docs] def shuffle(self): self.random_state.shuffle(self.populations)
[docs] def mutate(self, parent_space, offspring_space): assert parent_space.all_assigned parent_params = parent_space.get_assigned_params() pos = self.random_state.randint(0, len(parent_params)) for i, hp in enumerate(offspring_space.params_iterator): if i > (len(parent_params) - 1) or not parent_params[i].same_config(hp): hp.random_sample() else: if i == pos: new_value = hp.random_sample(assign=False) while new_value == parent_params[i].value: new_value = hp.random_sample(assign=False) hp.assign(new_value) else: hp.assign(parent_params[i].value) return offspring_space
[docs]class EvolutionSearcher(Searcher): """Evolutionary Algorithm Parameters ---------- space_fn: callable, required A search space function which when called returns a `HyperSpace` instance population_size: int, required Size of population sample_size: int, required The number of parent candidates selected in each cycle of evolution regularized: bool (default=False), Whether to enable regularized candidates_size: int, (default=10) The number of samples for the meta-learner to evaluate candidate paths when roll out optimize_direction: 'min' or 'max', (default='min') Whether the search process is approaching the maximum or minimum reward value. use_meta_learner: bool, (default=True) Whether to enable meta leaner. Meta-learner aims to evaluate the performance of unseen samples based on previously evaluated samples. It provides a practical solution to accurately estimate a search branch with many simulations without involving the actual training. space_sample_validation_fn: callable or None, (default=None) Used to verify the validity of samples from the search space, and can be used to add specific constraint rules to the search space to reduce the size of the space. References ---------- Real, Esteban, et al. "Regularized evolution for image classifier architecture search." Proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence. Vol. 33. 2019. """ def __init__(self, space_fn, population_size, sample_size, regularized=False, candidates_size=10, optimize_direction=OptimizeDirection.Minimize, use_meta_learner=True, space_sample_validation_fn=None, random_state=None): """ """ Searcher.__init__(self, space_fn=space_fn, optimize_direction=optimize_direction, use_meta_learner=use_meta_learner, space_sample_validation_fn=space_sample_validation_fn) self.random_state = random_state if random_state is not None else get_random_state() self.population = Population(size=population_size, optimize_direction=optimize_direction, random_state=self.random_state) self.sample_size = sample_size self.regularized = regularized self.candidates_size = candidates_size @property def population_size(self): return self.population.size @property def parallelizable(self): return True
[docs] def sample(self, space_options=None): if self.population.initializing: space_sample = self._sample_and_check(self._random_sample) return space_sample else: best = self.population.sample_best(self.sample_size) offspring = self._get_offspring(best.space_sample) if offspring is not None: return offspring else: self.population.populations.remove(best) space_sample = self._sample_and_check(self._random_sample) return space_sample
def _get_offspring(self, space_sample): if self.use_meta_learner and self.meta_learner is not None: candidates = [] scores = [] no = 0 for i in range(self.candidates_size): new_space = self.space_fn() try: candidate = self._sample_and_check(lambda: self.population.mutate(space_sample, new_space)) candidates.append(candidate) scores.append((no, self.meta_learner.predict(candidate))) no += 1 except: pass if len(candidates) <= 0: return None topn = sorted(scores, key=lambda s: s[1], reverse=self.optimize_direction in ['max', OptimizeDirection.Maximize])[ :int(len(candidates) * 0.3)] best = topn[self.random_state.choice(range(len(topn)))] if logger.is_info_enabled():'get_offspring scores:{best[1]}, index:{best[0]}') return candidates[best[0]] else: new_space = self.space_fn() try: candidate = self._sample_and_check(lambda: self.population.mutate(space_sample, new_space)) return candidate except: return None
[docs] def update_result(self, space_sample, result): result = result[0] if not self.population.initializing: self.population.eliminate(regularized=self.regularized) self.population.append(space_sample, result) if self.use_meta_learner and self.meta_learner is not None: assert self.meta_learner is not None self.meta_learner.new_sample(space_sample)
[docs] def summary(self): summary = '\n'.join( [f'vectors:{",".join([str(v) for v in individual.space_sample.vectors])} reward:{individual.reward} ' for individual in self.population.populations]) return summary