Source code for hypernets.searchers.genetic

import abc
from typing import List

from hypernets.core import HyperSpace, get_random_state
from hypernets.core.searcher import OptimizeDirection, Searcher
from hypernets.utils import const

[docs]class Individual: def __init__(self, dna, scores, random_state): self.dna = dna self.random_state = random_state self.scores = scores def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(dna={self.dna}, scores={self.scores}, random_state={self.random_state})"
[docs]class Recombination: def __init__(self, random_state): self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def do(self, ind1: Individual, ind2: Individual, out_space: HyperSpace): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_parents(self, ind1: Individual, ind2: Individual): # Crossover hyperparams only if they have same params params_1 = ind1.dna.get_assigned_params() params_2 = ind2.dna.get_assigned_params() if len(params_1) != len(params_2): return False for p1, p2 in zip(params_1, params_2): if p1.alias != p2.alias: return False return True
def __call__(self, ind1: Individual, ind2: Individual, out_space: HyperSpace): if not self.check_parents(ind1, ind2): raise RuntimeError(f"Individual {ind1} & {ind2} can not recombine because of different DNA") n_params = len(ind1.dna.get_assigned_params()) if n_params < 2: raise RuntimeError(f"parents mush has params greater that 1, but now is {n_params}") out =, ind2, out_space) assert out.all_assigned return out def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(random_state={self.random_state})"
[docs]class SinglePointCrossOver(Recombination):
[docs] def do(self, ind1: Individual, ind2: Individual, out_space: HyperSpace): params_1 = ind1.dna.get_assigned_params() params_2 = ind2.dna.get_assigned_params() n_params = len(params_1) cut_i = self.random_state.randint(0, n_params - 2) # ensure offspring has dna from both parents for i, hp in enumerate(out_space.params_iterator): if i > cut_i: hp.assign(params_2[i].value) else: hp.assign(params_1[i].value) return out_space
[docs]class ShuffleCrossOver(Recombination):
[docs] def do(self, ind1: Individual, ind2: Individual, out_space: HyperSpace): params_1 = ind1.dna.get_assigned_params() params_2 = ind2.dna.get_assigned_params() n_params = len(params_1) # rearrange dna & single point crossover m = self.random_state.randint(0, n_params - 2) R = self.random_state.permutation(n_params) t1_params = [None] * n_params t2_params = [None] * n_params for i in range(n_params): if i > m: t1_params[i] = params_2[R[i]] t2_params[i] = params_1[R[i]] else: t1_params[i] = params_1[R[i]] t2_params[i] = params_2[R[i]] c1_params = [None] * n_params c2_params = [None] * n_params for i in range(n_params): c1_params[R[i]] = t1_params[i] c2_params[R[i]] = t2_params[i] # select the first child for i, hp in enumerate(out_space.params_iterator): hp.assign(c1_params[i].value) return out_space
[docs]class UniformCrossover(Recombination): def __init__(self, random_state): super().__init__(random_state) self.p = 0.5
[docs] def do(self, ind1: Individual, ind2: Individual, out_space: HyperSpace): params_1 = ind1.dna.get_assigned_params() params_2 = ind2.dna.get_assigned_params() # crossover for i, hp in enumerate(out_space.params_iterator): if self.random_state.random() >= self.p: hp.assign(params_1[i].value) else: hp.assign(params_2[i].value) assert out_space.all_assigned return out_space
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(p={self.p})"
[docs]class SinglePointMutation: def __init__(self, random_state, proba=0.7): self.random_state = random_state self.proba = proba
[docs] def do(self, sample_space, out_space, proba=None): if proba is None: proba = self.proba if self.random_state.rand(0, 1) < proba: return sample_space assert sample_space.all_assigned parent_params = sample_space.get_assigned_params() pos = self.random_state.randint(0, len(parent_params)) # perform mutate for i, hp in enumerate(out_space.params_iterator): if i > (len(parent_params) - 1) or not parent_params[i].same_config(hp): hp.random_sample() else: if i == pos: new_value = hp.random_sample(assign=False) while new_value == parent_params[i].value: new_value = hp.random_sample(assign=False) hp.assign(new_value) else: hp.assign(parent_params[i].value) return out_space
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(random_state={self.random_state}, proba={self.proba})"
class _Survival(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def update(self, pop: List[Individual], challengers: List[Individual]): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def create_recombination(name, random_state, **kwargs): if name == const.COMBINATION_SHUFFLE: return ShuffleCrossOver(random_state=random_state) elif name == const.COMBINATION_UNIFORM: return UniformCrossover(random_state=random_state) elif name == const.COMBINATION_SINGLE_POINT: return SinglePointCrossOver(random_state=random_state) else: raise ValueError(f"unseen combination {name}")