Source code for hypernets.tabular.drift_detection

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'yangjian'

import copy
import inspect
import time

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn import model_selection as sksel
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, matthews_corrcoef, make_scorer

from hypernets.core import randint
from hypernets.utils import logging, const
from .cfg import TabularCfg as cfg

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

roc_auc_scorer = make_scorer(roc_auc_score, greater_is_better=True, needs_threshold=True)
matthews_corrcoef_scorer = make_scorer(matthews_corrcoef)

[docs]class FeatureSelectionCallback:
[docs] def on_round_start(self, round_no, features, ): pass
[docs] def on_round_end(self, round_no, auc, features, remove_features, elapsed): pass
[docs] def on_remove_shift_variable(self, shift_score, remove_features): pass
[docs] def on_task_break(self, round_no, auc, features): pass
[docs] def on_task_finished(self, round_no, auc, features): pass
def _shift_score(X, y, scorer, cv, log_level): from . import get_tool_box if log_level is not None: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') logging.set_level(log_level) tb = get_tool_box(X, y) model = tb.general_estimator(X, y, task=const.TASK_BINARY) if cv: if scorer is None: scorer = roc_auc_scorer score_ = sksel.cross_val_score(model, X=X, y=y, verbose=0, scoring=scorer, cv=cv) score = np.mean(score_) else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \ tb.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=9527, stratify=y), y_train, **_get_fit_kwargs(model, X_eval=X_test, y_eval=y_test)) if scorer: score = scorer(model, X_test, y_test) else: y_proba = model.predict_proba(X_test) score = tb.metrics.calc_score(y_test, y_proba, y_proba, metrics=['auc']) assert 'auc' in score.keys() score = score['auc'] return score def _get_fit_kwargs(estimator, *, X_eval, y_eval, early_stopping_rounds=20, verbose=False): kwargs = {} fit_params = inspect.signature( if 'eval_set' in fit_params and X_eval is not None and y_eval is not None: kwargs['eval_set'] = [(X_eval, y_eval)] if 'early_stopping_rounds' in fit_params and early_stopping_rounds is not None: if type(estimator).__name__.find('DaskLGBM') < 0: # DaskLGBMXxx dose not support early_stopping_rounds now kwargs['early_stopping_rounds'] = early_stopping_rounds if 'verbose' in fit_params: kwargs['verbose'] = verbose return kwargs def _detect_options(estimator, method, **kwargs): r = {} params = inspect.signature(getattr(estimator, method)).parameters.keys() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in params: r[k] = v return r
[docs]class DriftDetector: def __init__(self, preprocessor=None, estimator=None, random_state=None): self.preprocessor = preprocessor self.estimator_ = estimator self.random_state = random_state if random_state is not None else randint() self.auc_ = None self.feature_names_ = None self.feature_importances_ = None self.fitted = False
[docs] def fit(self, X_train, X_test, sample_balance=True, max_test_samples=None, cv=5):'Fit data for concept drift detection') assert X_train.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1], 'The number of columns in X_train and X_test must be the same.' assert len(set(X_train.columns.to_list()) - set(X_test.columns.to_list())) == 0, \ 'The name of columns in X_train and X_test must be the same.' from . import get_tool_box train_size, test_size = len(X_train), len(X_test) tb = get_tool_box(X_train, X_test) if max_test_samples is not None and max_test_samples < test_size: X_test, _ = tb.train_test_split(X_test, train_size=max_test_samples, random_state=self.random_state) test_size = len(X_test) if sample_balance: if test_size > train_size: X_test, _ = tb.train_test_split(X_test, train_size=train_size, random_state=self.random_state) elif test_size < train_size: X_train, _ = tb.train_test_split(X_train, train_size=test_size, random_state=self.random_state)'Merge train and test data...') X_merged, y = self._train_test_merge(X_train, X_test)'Preprocessing...') if self.preprocessor is None: self.preprocessor = tb.general_preprocessor(X_merged) X_merged = self.preprocessor.fit_transform(X_merged, y)'Fitting and scoring...') estimators, auc_all, importances = self._fit_and_score(X_merged, y, cv=cv) self.feature_names_ = X_merged.columns.to_list() self.estimator_ = estimators self.auc_ = np.mean(auc_all) self.feature_importances_ = np.mean(importances, axis=0) self.fitted = True return self
def _fit_and_score(self, X_merged, y_merged, *, cv): from . import get_tool_box auc_all = [] importances = [] estimators = [] tb = get_tool_box(X_merged, y_merged) sel = tb.select_1d iterators = tb.statified_kfold(n_splits=cv, shuffle=True, random_state=self.random_state) for n_fold, (train_idx, valid_idx) in enumerate(iterators.split(X_merged, y_merged)):'Fold:{n_fold + 1}') x_train_fold, y_train_fold = sel(X_merged, train_idx), sel(y_merged, train_idx) x_val_fold, y_val_fold = sel(X_merged, valid_idx), sel(y_merged, valid_idx) estimator = tb.general_estimator(X_merged, y_merged, self.estimator_, task=const.TASK_BINARY) # kwargs = {} # estimator_type = type(estimator).__name__ # if estimator_type.find('LGBMClassifier') >= 0: # kwargs['eval_set'] = [(x_val_fold, y_val_fold)] # kwargs['early_stopping_rounds'] = 10 # kwargs['verbose'] = 0 kwargs = _get_fit_kwargs(estimator, X_eval=x_val_fold, y_eval=y_val_fold), y_train_fold, **kwargs) kwargs = _detect_options(estimator, 'predict_proba', to_local=True, verbose=False) proba = estimator.predict_proba(x_val_fold, **kwargs)[:, 1] y_val_fold, proba = tb.to_local(y_val_fold, proba) auc = roc_auc_score(y_val_fold, proba)'auc: {auc}') auc_all.append(auc) estimators.append(estimator) importances.append(estimator.feature_importances_) return estimators, auc_all, importances
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): assert self.fitted, 'Please fit it first.' from . import get_tool_box tb = get_tool_box(X) X = self._copy_data(X) cat_cols = tb.column_selector.column_object_category_bool(X) num_cols = tb.column_selector.column_number_exclude_timedelta(X) # X.loc[:, cat_cols + num_cols] = self.preprocessor.transform(X) Xt = self.preprocessor.transform(X) diff_cols = set(X.columns.tolist()) - set(cat_cols + num_cols) if diff_cols: # X.loc[:, cat_cols + num_cols] = Xt X = tb.concat_df([X[diff_cols], Xt[cat_cols + num_cols]], axis=1) else: X = Xt oof_proba = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimator_): proba = estimator.predict_proba(X)[:, 1] oof_proba.append(proba) # proba = np.mean(oof_proba, axis=0) proba = tb.mean_oof(oof_proba) return proba
[docs] def train_test_split(self, X, y, test_size=0.25, remain_for_train=0.3): assert 0 <= remain_for_train < 1.0, '`remain_for_train` must be < 1.0 and >= 0.' if isinstance(test_size, float): assert 0 < test_size < 1.0, '`test_size` must be < 1.0 and > 0.' test_size = int(len(X) * test_size) assert isinstance(test_size, int), '`test_size` can only be int or float' split_size = int(test_size + test_size * remain_for_train) assert split_size < len(X), \ 'test_size+test_size*remain_for_train must be less than the number of samples in X.' from . import get_tool_box tb = get_tool_box(X, y) sel = tb.select_1d proba = self.predict_proba(X) proba, = tb.to_local(proba) sorted_indices = np.argsort(proba) target_col = '__train_test_split_y__' if hasattr(X, 'insert'): X.insert(0, target_col, y) else: X[target_col] = y if remain_for_train == 0: X_train = sel(X, sorted_indices[:-test_size]) X_test = sel(X, sorted_indices[-test_size:]) else: X_train_1 = sel(X, sorted_indices[:-split_size]) X_mixed = sel(X, sorted_indices[-split_size:]) X_train_2, X_test = tb.train_test_split( X_mixed, test_size=test_size, shuffle=True, random_state=self.random_state) X_train = tb.concat_df([X_train_1, X_train_2], axis=0) y_train = X_train.pop(target_col) y_test = X_test.pop(target_col) X.pop(target_col) return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test
@staticmethod def _copy_data(X): return copy.deepcopy(X) def _train_test_merge(self, X_train, X_test, shuffle=True): from . import get_tool_box target_col = '__hypernets_tmp__target__' if hasattr(X_train, 'insert'): X_train.insert(0, target_col, 0) else: X_train[target_col] = 0 if hasattr(X_test, 'insert'): X_test.insert(0, target_col, 1) else: X_test[target_col] = 1 tb = get_tool_box(X_train, X_test) X_merge = tb.concat_df([X_train, X_test], axis=0, repartition=shuffle, random_state=self.random_state) y = X_merge.pop(target_col) X_train.pop(target_col) X_test.pop(target_col) return X_merge, y
[docs]class FeatureSelectorWithDriftDetection: parallelizable = True def __init__(self, remove_shift_variable=True, variable_shift_threshold=0.7, variable_shift_scorer=None, auc_threshold=0.55, min_features=10, remove_size=0.1, sample_balance=True, max_test_samples=None, cv=5, random_state=None, callbacks=None): self.remove_shift_variable = remove_shift_variable self.variable_shift_threshold = variable_shift_threshold self.variable_shift_scorer = variable_shift_scorer self.auc_threshold = auc_threshold self.min_features = min_features self.remove_size = remove_size self.sample_balance = sample_balance self.max_test_samples = max_test_samples = cv self.random_state = random_state if random_state is not None else randint() self.callbacks = callbacks
[docs] def select(self, X_train, X_test, *, preprocessor=None, estimator=None, copy_data=False):'Feature selection to try to eliminate the concept drift.') if copy_data: detector = self.get_detector(preprocessor, estimator, self.random_state) X_train = detector._copy_data(X_train) X_test = detector._copy_data(X_test) scores = None if self.remove_shift_variable: scores = self._covariate_shift_score(X_train, X_test, scorer=self.variable_shift_scorer) remain_features = [] remove_features = [] for col, score in scores.items(): if score <= self.variable_shift_threshold: remain_features.append(col) else: remove_features.append(col)'Remove shift variables:{col}, score:{score}') if len(remain_features) < X_train.shape[1]: X_train = X_train[remain_features] X_test = X_test[remain_features] if self.callbacks is not None: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_remove_shift_variable(scores, remove_features) round = 1 history = [] while True: start_time = time.time() if self.callbacks is not None: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_round_start(round_no=round, features=X_train.columns.to_list())'\nRound: {round}\n') detector = self.get_detector(preprocessor, estimator, self.random_state), X_test, sample_balance=self.sample_balance, max_test_samples=self.max_test_samples,'AUC:{detector.auc_}, Features:{detector.feature_names_}') elapsed = time.time() - start_time history.append({'auc': detector.auc_, 'n_features': len(detector.feature_names_), 'removed_features': [], 'feature_names': detector.feature_names_, 'feature_importances': detector.feature_importances_, 'elapsed': elapsed }) if detector.auc_ <= self.auc_threshold: f'AUC:{detector.auc_} has dropped below the threshold:{self.auc_threshold}, feature selection is over.') if self.callbacks is not None: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_task_finished(round_no=round, auc=detector.auc_, features=detector.feature_names_) return detector.feature_names_, history, scores indices = np.argsort(detector.feature_importances_) if indices.shape[0] <= self.min_features:'The number of remaining features is insufficient to continue remove features. ' f'AUC:{detector.auc_} ' f'Remaining features:{detector.feature_names_}') if self.callbacks is not None: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_task_break(round_no=round, auc=detector.auc_, features=detector.feature_names_) return detector.feature_names_, history, scores removes = int(indices.shape[0] * self.remove_size) if removes <= 0:'The number of remaining features is insufficient to continue remove features. ' f'AUC:{detector.auc_} ' f'Remaining features:({len(detector.feature_names_)}) / {detector.feature_names_}') if self.callbacks is not None: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_task_break(round_no=round, auc=detector.auc_, features=detector.feature_names_) return detector.feature_names_, history, scores if (indices.shape[0] - removes) < self.min_features: removes = indices.shape[0] - self.min_features remain_features = list(np.array(detector.feature_names_)[indices[:-removes]]) remove_features = list(set(detector.feature_names_) - set(remain_features)) history[-1]['removed_features'] = remove_features'Removed features: {remove_features}') X_train = X_train[remain_features] X_test = X_test[remain_features] if self.callbacks is not None: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_round_end(round_no=round, auc=detector.auc_, features=detector.feature_names_, remove_features=remove_features, elapsed=elapsed) round += 1
def _covariate_shift_score(self, X_train, X_test, *, preprocessor=None, estimator=None, scorer=None, cv=None, shuffle=True, copy_data=True): from . import get_tool_box # assert all(isinstance(x, (pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame)) for x in (X_train, X_test)), \ # 'X_train and X_test must be a pandas or dask DataFrame.' assert set(X_train.columns.to_list()) == set(X_test.columns.to_list()), \ 'The columns in X_train and X_test must be the same.' detector = self.get_detector(preprocessor, estimator, self.random_state) if copy_data: X_train = detector._copy_data(X_train) X_test = detector._copy_data(X_test) shift_variable_sample_limit = cfg.shift_variable_sample_limit if len(X_train) > shift_variable_sample_limit:'sample X_train to {shift_variable_sample_limit}') X_train = get_tool_box(X_train).select_1d(X_train, np.arange(shift_variable_sample_limit)) if len(X_test) > shift_variable_sample_limit:'sample X_test to {shift_variable_sample_limit}') X_test = get_tool_box(X_test).select_1d(X_test, np.arange(shift_variable_sample_limit)) # Set target value'Set target value...') X_merged, y = detector._train_test_merge(X_train, X_test, shuffle=shuffle)'Preprocessing...') # Preprocess data: imputing and scaling if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = get_tool_box(X_merged).general_preprocessor(X_merged) X_merged = preprocessor.fit_transform(X_merged) # Calculate the shift score for each column separately.'Scoring...') scores = self._score_features(X_merged, y, scorer, cv) return scores def _score_features(self, X_merged, y, scorer, cv): if not self.parallelizable or cfg.joblib_njobs in {0, 1}: scores = {} for c in X_merged.columns: x = X_merged[[c]] score = _shift_score(x, y, scorer, cv, None)'column:{c}, score:{score}') scores[c] = score else: log_level = logging.get_level() col_parts = [X_merged[[c]] for c in X_merged.columns] pss = Parallel(n_jobs=cfg.joblib_njobs, **cfg.joblib_options)( delayed(_shift_score)(x, y, scorer, cv, log_level) for x in col_parts ) scores = {k: v for k, v in zip(X_merged.columns.to_list(), pss)}'scores: {scores}') return scores
[docs] @staticmethod def get_detector(preprocessor=None, estimator=None, random_state=None): return DriftDetector(preprocessor=preprocessor, estimator=estimator, random_state=random_state)