Source code for hypernets.utils.ssh_utils

import paramiko
import contextlib
import os
from pathlib import Path
from hypernets.utils import logging as hyn_logging

from paramiko import SFTPClient, SSHClient

logger = hyn_logging.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def create_ssh_client(hostname, username, port=22, password=None, ssh_rsa_file=None, passphrase=None) -> SSHClient: client = paramiko.SSHClient() # auto-save server info to local know_hosts or can not connect to server that not in know_hosts client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) kwargs = {'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'port': port} if ssh_rsa_file is not None: kwargs['key_filename'] = ssh_rsa_file if password is not None: kwargs['password'] = password if passphrase is not None: kwargs['passphrase'] = passphrase client.connect(**kwargs) return client
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def ssh_client(*args, **kwargs): client: SSHClient = create_ssh_client(*args, **kwargs) yield client if client is not None: client.close()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def sftp_client(*args, **kwargs): ssh_client_inst = create_ssh_client(*args, **kwargs) _sftp_client: SFTPClient = ssh_client_inst.open_sftp() yield _sftp_client if _sftp_client is not None: _sftp_client.close() if ssh_client_inst is not None: # only close sftp client lead to connection leak ssh_client_inst.close()
[docs]def exists(sftp: SFTPClient, remote_path): try: sftp.lstat(remote_path) return True except FileNotFoundError as e: return False except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def makedirs(sftp: SFTPClient, remote_dir): if exists(sftp, remote_dir): return # check parent dir pp = Path(remote_dir).parent.as_posix() if exists(sftp, pp): sftp.mkdir(remote_dir) else: makedirs(sftp, pp) sftp.mkdir(remote_dir)
[docs]def upload_file(sftp: SFTPClient, local_path, remote_path): """Copy local file to remote. if remote dir is not exists should create it. :param sftp: :param local_path: a file :param remote_path: a file path, is not exists and included file name :return: """ p = Path(remote_path).parent.as_posix() makedirs(sftp, p) sftp.put(local_path, remote_path)
[docs]def upload_file_obj(sftp: SFTPClient, fo, remote_path): """Upload file object to remote. if remote dir is not exists should create it. :param sftp: :param fo: file obj :param remote_path: a file path, is not exists and included file name :return: """ p = Path(remote_path).parent.as_posix() makedirs(sftp, p) sftp.putfo(fo, remote_path, confirm=True)
[docs]def upload_dir(sftp: SFTPClient, local_dir, remote_dir): """ Recursive upload local dir to remote :param sftp: :param local_dir: a local dir :param remote_dir: a not exists path in remote server :return: """ local_dir_path = Path(local_dir) assert local_dir_path.exists() and local_dir_path.is_dir(), f"input local_dir {local_dir} should be a exists dir" remote_destination_dir_path = Path(remote_dir).absolute() / remote_destination_dir = remote_destination_dir_path.as_posix() assert not exists(sftp, remote_destination_dir), f"remote file {remote_destination_dir} path already existed " for walk_root, ds, fs in os.walk(local_dir_path): relative_walk_root_path = Path(walk_root).relative_to(local_dir_path) remote_walk_root = remote_destination_dir_path / relative_walk_root_path # is a dir # create remote dir even is empty dir makedirs(sftp, remote_walk_root.as_posix()) logger.debug(f"create remote fold {remote_walk_root.absolute()}") # upload files for f in fs: remote_file = (remote_walk_root / f).as_posix() local_file = (Path(walk_root) / f).as_posix() upload_file(sftp, local_file, remote_file) logger.debug(f"uploaded local file {local_file} to remote {remote_file}")